VX5A1HC1622 电源板

更新日期:2011-10-25 浏览次数:4913
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ATVX5A1HC1622施耐德变频器电源板。71系列160kw 。61系列220kw的电源板
Change the power board VX5A1HC1622
- Change the Motor current sensor VY1A1108
- Change the RFI Filter boardVX4A1114
- Change the soft charge board VX5A1300
- Change the Thermal sensorVZ3G1104
- Change the Power interconnection bars kit VZ3N1319
- Change the DC bus bar kit VZ3N1322
- Change the Module pired IGBT 400A/1200VVZ3IM1400M1271
- Change the Rectfier module thyristor/diode 330A/1600VVZ3TD1330M1601
- Change the Braking unit kitVZ3F1110
- Change the Lots of 8 capacitors DC bus 5200μF/400V VY1ADC1113
- Change the fan powerelectronicVZ3V1212
- Change the plastic Kit VY1A1402
- Change the Motor control board ATV71HC16N4VX5A71HC16N4
- Change the discharging resistor 24k/125WVZ3R24KW125
- Change the Rectifier snubber circuitVX4A1200
- Change the gate drive board IGBT VX5A1201
- Change the fan control board VX5A1400
- Change the Control front cover with 2 Leds VX4A1102
- Change the Control terminal card TE VX4A1104
- Change the Control bloc P>=90kW Flash TE VX4A71101
- Change the Internal fan 24VDCVZ3V1213


版权所有: 重庆继国科技有限公司(变频器科技)  地 址:重庆市石桥铺石新路33号(渝州五金机电城7号楼9-4)
电 话:023-68186280  61729496  61558110 13996117556 传真:023-68186280 联系人:陈继国
渝ICP备09005081号 门市电话:023-61729496  门市地址:重庆市巴南区华南城国际五金机电城5A1区B3栋197号 网络全程服务:拓天科技

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