更新日期:2011-10-25 浏览次数:5131
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施耐德ATV71-61   22KW的配件型号
Change the power block sub assembly VX5A1HD•••• :
- Change the sub assembly filterVX4A1107 :
- Change the current sensor VY1A1101 :
- Change the DC bus card VX5A1101 :
- Change the Capacitors VY1ADC1101 :
- Change the Metal part VY1A1206 :
- Change the Power terminals blockVZ3N1206 :
- Change the Connection bar kitVZ3N1304:
- Change the Mains connection kit VZ3N1312 :
- Change the fan Tape VZ3V1211 :
- Change the display bloc VX4A1102 :
- Change the terminal board VX4A1104 :
- Change the Control Bloc P<90kw (Flash) VX4A71100


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