更新日期:2011-10-25 浏览次数:4886
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ATV71HC20N4, ATV71HC25N4, ATV71HC28N4 61 250 kw 315kw 355kw的配件型号
- Change the power board → VX5A1HC2025
- Change the Motor current sensor → VY1A1108
- Change the RFI Filter board→ VX4A1115
- Change the soft charge board → VX5A1300
- Change the Thermal sensor→ VZ3G1104
- Change the Power interconnection bars kit → VZ3N1321
- Change the DC bus bar kit → VZ3N1320
- Change the Module pired IGBT 400A/1200V→ VZ3IM1400M1271
- Change the Rectifier module diode 600A 1600V→ VZ3DM1425M1671
- Change the Lots of 12 capacitors DC bus 3600μF/400V→ VY1ADC1114
- Change the fan powerelectronic→ VZ3V1212
- Change the plastic Kit → VY1A1403
- Change the Motor control board ATV71HC20N4→ VX5A71HC20N4
- Change the discharging resistor 24k/125W → VZ3R24KW125
- Change the Rectifier module thyristor 425A/1600V → VZ3TM1425M1671
- Change the Rectifier snubber circuit→ VX4A1200
- Change the gate drive board IGBT → VX5A1202
- Change the fan control board → VX5A1400
- Change the Control front cover with 2 Leds → VX4A1102
- Change the Control terminal card TE → VX4A1104
- Change the Control bloc P>=90kW Flash TE → VX4A71101
- Change the Internal fan 24VDC→ VZ3V1213